Hexagon's Manufacturing Intelligence division

Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division empowers makers to innovate and create without limit. Our solutions support optimisation throughout the product lifecycle, freeing creators to make better products in new innovative ways, for people and planet.

Explore Manufacturing Intelligence


Get it right first time with the insights from last time.  Hexagon’s metrology solutions help you to close the gap between design intent and real-world operation with actionable, real-time insight that revolutionises upstream and downstream decision-making.

The role of metrology within the manufacturing process has long been associated with quality assurance – a post-production inspection of the dimensional measurements of a part against specifications.

Results indicated that the part was either good to go, or not to standard, at best requiring reworking or at worst scrapping. Metrology was the necessary evil – quality almost becoming a barrier to productivity. 

Discover our metrology solutions


Push production to the limits. Make what they said was unmakeable.  Bring innovations to life in incredible new ways. See design intent through into market ready products. Our solutions empower makers to turn imagination into reality.  Spanning machining, forming, casting, moulding, joining, 3D printing, or a combination of multiple processes – the production floor is where components take shape.

Production is where product quality is set in stone, metal, wood or composite and the pursuit of manufacturing ‘right first time’ is the highest priority. It’s the manufacturing process phase where productivity really matters – efficiency and throughput are essential to remain competitive – costs must be controlled and downtime avoided.  This is where you need design intent to be maintained through the production cycle.                                                              

Discover our production solutions

Design and Engineering

Hexagon software sits at the leading edge of production innovation making it possible to produce things that were previously unthinkable by entirely rethinking both products and production through design, materials, manufacturing and process innovation.

We passionately believe that if it can be imagined, it can be made, so we develop our solutions to remove all barriers to possibility.

By harnessing the power of data and technology our tools unlock new avenues for exploration and provide extra lift to the creative process.  

Discover our design and engineering solutions

Whether you invent, design, manufacture, test or service products, Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division empowers you to create without limit.

Our technologies remove the barriers to what’s possible and empower makers to redefine the world we know through manufacturing innovation. From concept to end of life, our solutions deliver optimisation across the entire value chain, transforming design, simulation, testing, material selection, manufacturing design planning, production, inspection and real-world performance.

Hexagon’s smart manufacturing portfolio supports entire product and production lifecycles, unlocking potential, solving problems before they occur, and providing significant gains. Bringing together the physical and digital worlds through hardware and software, we give makers the freedom to ideate, explore, get it right first time, and scale production sustainably.

If you want to close the loop on cost, quality, innovation and sustainability to create better products in new innovative ways – look no further.

We empower makers to gain the edge, shape their industry and create lasting change.

Discover how we empower makers 

Explore our support resources for makers

While specific industries have their own unique challenges and motivations, productivity is central to manufacturers across the board. Continuously improving productivity is essential for competitive success.
Hexagon's Manufacturing Intelligence division helps customers put data to work to improve productivity and efficiency while embedding quality throughout the product lifecycle.
Our manufacturing intelligence technology enables manufacturers to access, analyse and actively use data from all the key stages of the manufacturing process. Through an unparalleled portfolio of digital manufacturing technologies spanning CAE solutions for design and engineering, CAD CAM and complementary software for production applications, metrology hardware and software solutions, as well as data management and analytics tools, we empower technology users throughout the process with deep and actionable insight into product quality, ensuring that quality drives productivity.
Together, our manufacturing intelligence software solutions create a digital thread throughout the manufacturing process, enabling the entire organisation to take a holistic approach and work together with speed and confidence to achieve the desired outcomes. 

Our hardware solutions use metrology to bring real-world physical attributes to the digital thread to improve the accuracy of operations. The digital thread ties together a connected ecosystem for manufacturing and, with the addition of domain expertise and intelligence, enables continuous learning and improvement.

    Wireless-enabled handheld 3D scanner for easy measurement anywhere.

    • ×
      Full autonomy
      Automation-ready for integration within fully autonomous inspection systems.
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  • Device displaying audit information

    Smart Audits

    Line Walks

    Often called operator rounds or line walks, these digital checklists ensure machines are calibrated and running optimally.

  • Q-DAS qs-STAT software shown on monitor

    Q-DAS qs-STAT is a software package designed to evaluate and assess production-relevant quality information statistically.

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      Human-Assisted autonomy
      Process qualification analysis
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  • Quality inspection screens displayed on tablet devices

    Dynamic midstream and final inspections that reduce costs of poor quality and warranty claims.

  • Nexus software screens displayed on iPad

    Gives context to machine data to explain machine downtime, report and make decisions to improve OEE.

  • Nexus software screens displayed on iPad

    Track performance and collect data in a repeatable fashion; view real-time performance indicators to improve decision-making.

  • Inspire inspection software on monitor

    Inspire is an intuitive inspection software for portable probing and scanning applications that makes measurement simple.

    • ×
      Partial autonomy
      Automated application of smart UX, metrology algorithms and machine control to simplify the measurement experience
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    Photogrammetry-augmented handheld 3D scanner for wireless and targetless measurement anywhere.

    • ×
      Full autonomy
      Automation-ready for integration within fully autonomous inspection systems
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  • Man using Nexus on an iPad

    Real-Time Monitoring

    AR Monitoring

    Augmented reality solution to view machine data in real time.

  • Nexus software screens displayed on iPad

    Digital standard work instructions for manufacturing.

  • An image showcasing the flexible REcreate software interface on a computer monitor

    REcreate is a reverse-engineering software that perfectly combines powerful capabilities with an optimal user experience.

    • ×
      Human-Assisted autonomy
      Automated meshing of pointcloud and CAD generation for reverse engineering projects
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  • SmartScan VR800

    The SmartScan VR800 offers a patented dual stereo camera plus mechanical optical zoom projection unit setup.

    • ×
      Partial autonomy
      Automated execution and analysis of inspection part program in combination with turntable and/or turn-tilt-units.
    Learn more

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